Zee Telugu

Zee Telugu announces new show

Zee Telugu is all set to premiere the highly anticipated drama series, 'Seethe Ramudi Katnam,' on October 2, 2023. The show promises to deliver a unique narrative, focusing on the intriguing relationship between a headstrong yet unassuming young woman, Seetha, and her beauty-obsessed mot...

Star Bharat announces three popular shows

Star Bharat announces three popular shows

Star Bharat, known for its diverse and captivating content, is set to enthrall audiences once again with the return of three of its most popular shows. Starting from September 26, the channel is all set to offer fresh narratives, innovative concepts, intense drama, and exceptio...

Samiran Gupta

X top most exec in India, Samiran Gupta, resigns

Social media platform X's head of policy for India and South Asia, Samiran Gupta, has resigned, two sources said, a top departure that comes ahead of India elections and as the company fights a court battle with New Delhi over content removal. Gupta, according to a Reuters report today, was the most senior India employee for X, formerly known...