India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has said it suspended the registration of about 276 MSOs in April, though the reasons were not publicly outlined. However, the MIBs also stated that despite the latest action, the total number of MSOs in the country stood at 1761 at the end of April 2022. The number includes MSOs whose registrations were suspended. From the data put on the website of the Ministry, it is not clear whether the MSOs whose registrations got suspended could get back to delivering normal services as and when the objections raised by the government were addressed and anomalies in the registrations were rectified. A few of the suspended MSOs --- as highlighted by the MIB --- did change the structure of their companies from partnership to proprietorship entities. The list of suspended MSOs could be viewed on the MIB website at There were four MSOs whose registrations were cancelled/surrendered during the month of April. The applications of Shivam Cable & Broadband Private Limited of East Medinipur in West Bengal and Gujrata State's Bhuj-based Rallyon Technology were rejected by the MIB owing to suppression of vital information. In March 2022 also MIB had rejected the application of two MSOs as they had withheld relevant information from the government. The registration of Panduranga Cable Network of Telengana was cancelled in April 2022 due to non-operation. Ditto for Karnataka’s RK Digital Cable TV Network. As per a government order of 2017, all registered MSOs, unless indicated in the registration order specifically, can operate anywhere in India.

Govt urges news channels to spread Covid message

India’s Ministry of information and broadcasting (MIB) has written to all news channels in the country to spread awareness about surging Covid cases and the need for proper precautions. In a note to TV news channels and their associations, it has said the number of cases of COVID-19 in the country was witnessing an “alarming upward trend” and t...


Crucial meet on C-band spectrum cancelled by MIB

The Indian government cancelled a meeting that had been planned on April 6 with broadcast industry stakeholders to discuss a proposed government move to reallocate certain category of C-band spectrum, used for broadcasting purposes, to telcos for 5G services.

In a communication to th...


MIB-b’casters meet on crucial C-band issue next week

The Indian broadcasters are an upset lot these days. Not only the COVID pandemic drastically diminished revenues since March last year, but a proposed government move to reallocate certain category of C-band spectrum to telcos for 5G services is now giving them more sleepless nights.

Child rights body writes to MIB on Netflix show

Child rights body writes to MIB on Netflix show

India’s child rights body NCPCR on Friday asked the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to order Netflix to remove a few scenes from its series "Bombay Begums", which allegedly portray children inappropriately. In a letter to MIB Joint Secretary Vikam Sahay, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights Chairperson Priyank Kanoongo ...

India’s Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has said it suspended the registration of about 276 MSOs in April, though the reasons were not publicly outlined. However, the MIBs also stated that despite the latest action, the total number of MSOs in the country stood at 1761 at the end of April 2022. The number includes MSOs whose registrations were suspended. From the data put on the website of the Ministry, it is not clear whether the MSOs whose registrations got suspended could get back to delivering normal services as and when the objections raised by the government were addressed and anomalies in the registrations were rectified. A few of the suspended MSOs --- as highlighted by the MIB --- did change the structure of their companies from partnership to proprietorship entities. The list of suspended MSOs could be viewed on the MIB website at There were four MSOs whose registrations were cancelled/surrendered during the month of April. The applications of Shivam Cable & Broadband Private Limited of East Medinipur in West Bengal and Gujrata State's Bhuj-based Rallyon Technology were rejected by the MIB owing to suppression of vital information. In March 2022 also MIB had rejected the application of two MSOs as they had withheld relevant information from the government. The registration of Panduranga Cable Network of Telengana was cancelled in April 2022 due to non-operation. Ditto for Karnataka’s RK Digital Cable TV Network. As per a government order of 2017, all registered MSOs, unless indicated in the registration order specifically, can operate anywhere in India.

MIB denies mulling law mandating ad revenue share by tech giants

At a time when a section of Indian policy-makers are pushing for making tech giants pay creators and publishers of news, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting denied any such plan relating to the print media was being contemplated at present. “There is no proposal for enactment of a law by the government in this regard,”