Comedy Central launches Valentine's Day Campaign: 'Your Happy Place, Happier TWOgether'
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12 months ago 02:51:46pm Television

Comedy Central launches Valentine’s Day Campaign: ‘Your Happy Place, Happier TWOgether’

New Delhi, 13-February-2024, By IBW Team

Comedy Central launches Valentine's Day Campaign: 'Your Happy Place, Happier TWOgether'

This Valentine’s Day, Comedy Central, India’s premier English Entertainment channel from Viacom18, is set to redefine the way we celebrate love and togetherness. In a world where smartphones often keep people apart, Comedy Central launches a groundbreaking campaign titled ‘Your Happy Place, Happier TWOgether!’

Comedy Central invites fans to share a special moment with their loved ones through a unique, immersive digital experience. Collaborating with Sociowash, an Integrated Advertising Agency, the brand transforms the device that typically separates people – their smartphones – into a tool for connection. By splitting a short film into two halves, the campaign encourages viewers to ‘Watch It Together’ by physically placing two phones side by side, the channel said in a press release.

Commenting on this innovative approach, Anshul Ailawadi, Head of Youth, Music, and English Entertainment at Viacom18, stated, “The campaign, ‘Your Happy Place, Happier TWOgether’, playfully encourages our viewers to stay connected in the digital age. By merging two solitary viewing experiences into one, Comedy Central emphasizes that it takes two to tango.”

Experience the magic of Valentine’s Day together with Comedy Central by participating in the campaign.

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