Veteran actor Paresh Rawal is set to entertain audiences with his upcoming film, ‘Jo Tera Hai Woh Mera Hai,’ premiering on Jio Cinema on September 20. Directed by Raj Trivedi, the slice-of-life comedy drama also stars Amit Sial, Sonali Kulkarni, and Sonn...
Category: OTT
Over the Top Platforms are named about devices that go ‘over’ a cable box to give the user TV content through the Internet connection.
WBD expects subscriber growth in Q3
Warner Bros Discovery expects to add more than six million subscribers to its Max streaming platform in the third quarter, as the service continues to build momentum in international markets. "We're starting to scale and in the second half of the year, you'll see real revenue growth driven by real subscriber growth," Warner Bros Discovery Chi...
‘Inside Out 2’ to begin streaming on Disney+ Hotstar from Sept. 25
Disney and Pixar’s highly anticipated sequel, ‘Inside Out 2’, will make its streaming debut on Disney+ Hotstar on September 25. The film will be available in both English and Hindi. Celebrated as one of the top animated movies of all time, ‘Inside Out 2’ has ...
Prime Video Channel brings HITS to India
Prime Video has announced the launch of HITS, a popular linear television channel owned by Rewind Networks, now available as an add-on subscription. This service provides a curated selection of iconic international TV drama and comedy series, such as ‘Frasier’, ‘CSI: Crime Scene Investigation’, ‘Agatha Christie’s Poirot’, ‘Mission: Impossible...
‘Goti Soda’ S5 starts airing on ShemarooMe
The beloved Gujarati comedy series, 'Goti Soda,' returned for its fifth season yesterday on ShemarooMe after a massive success of previous seasons. According to a press release from the company, season five promises to bring even more laughs w...
YouTube alters algorithm to safeguard teenagers
YouTube has decided to stop recommending videos that promote specific fitness levels, physical features, or body weights to teenagers aged 13 to 17. This change follows concerns from experts who warned that repeated exposure to such content could be harmful to young viewers, as reported by The Times of India. While teenagers can still acce...