Zee Telugu announces 7th edition of Drama Juniors; auditions now open
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1 year ago 04:28:14pm Television

Zee Telugu announces 7th edition of Drama Juniors; auditions now open

New Delhi, 08-January-2024, By IBW Team

Zee Telugu

Zee Telugu is back with the new season of its popular show, Drama Juniors. Before the show kicks off, the channel is starting with the audition rounds and inviting talented kids from both Telugu-speaking states to showcase their skills, including acting, art, dance, and melodious voice, through a digital audition.

After completing 6 seasons, Zee Telugu wants to bring new and hidden talents across Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, while entertaining its audience.

Hence, for Drama Juniors season 7, the channel is now calling upon talented or should we say ‘Drama-loving’ / ‘Thespian’ kids between the age of 3- 13 years to showcase their singing, dancing, martial arts, magic tricks or any other skills to the world.

The auditions kickstart with the channel on a mission to uncover hidden Drama Juniors from various backgrounds and lifestyles and present their talent in front of the world. The channel will look out for talented children in India and all over the world.

Grab this opportunity to shine on the big stage like never before with auditions of the popular show Drama Juniors season 7 that will be held online, and the participants are required to post a 2-minute video showing their talent on DramaJuniorsS7Auditions.Zee5.com or share via WhatsApp on 9100054301 or mail at dramajuniorsseason7@gmail.com and please note; lip sync videos are not acceptable.

Zee Telugu is coming with Drama Juniors 7 auditions!

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