Govt. withdraws draft of B’cast Bill; new version after more consultations
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Govt. withdraws draft of B’cast Bill; new version after more consultations

New Delhi, 13-August-2024, By IBW Team

Govt. withdraws draft of B’cast Bill; new version after more consultations

Though it’s not an ideal situation as the future course of action is not clear, but for the Indian media and entertainment industry there’s something to cheer about: the Indian government yesterday, according to multiple media reports, withdrew the latest draft of the Broadcast Bill, which had generated lot of heat over State’s efforts to control freedom of expression, journalistic freedom and censorship.

According to The Hindustan Times, which cited five people aware of the matter, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting on Monday withdrew the latest draft of the Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2024  or BSRB by asking all stakeholders to return physical copies given to them between July 24 and 25. The stakeholders were told that their comments were no longer required.

The draft was circulated for feedback as part of an ongoing process of consultations that began in November 2023 when the first draft was uploaded by the ministry. (

An official on the condition of anonymity, The Hindustan Times further added, revealed that it is currently not yet clear whether the BSRB will be redrafted in its entirety or if only particular sections would be redrawn from the latest draft, which was not shared publicly but with some stakeholders, who received watermarked copies.

The latest version of the Bill, which was reviewed by HT, drew significant concerns over some of the provisions and how the consultation process was being carried out. In particular controversy were draft provisions that could potentially tag most online influencers as broadcasters if they dealt with matters of current affairs in their work.

A report in Network18-owned highlighted that several stakeholders received calls from the MIB on August 12 asking them to return the physical copies of the draft without any feedback. (

The government has held consultations with select groups of stakeholders, although it did not release the new draft publicly. The approach has drawn criticism from various groups who are urging the government to release it to the public, the report said.

The Bill also proposes several other compliance requirements of creators, a move which has evoked concerns of stifling freedom of speech and of censorship.

Late yesterday evening the MIB on its X account posted a message that seemed to be a response to media reports earlier on Monday. 

The post read: “The Ministry of Information & Broadcasting is working on a Draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill.

“The draft Bill was placed in public domain on 10.11.2023 along with the explanatory notes for comments of the stakeholders and the general public.

“In response, multiple recommendations/ comments/ suggestions were received including from various Associations.

“Ministry is holding a series of consultations with the stakeholders on the draft bill.

“Further additional time is being provided to solicit comments/ suggestions till 15th October, 2024.  A fresh draft will be published after detailed consultations.”

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